
Atradius publications provide you with our view on the economic situation in more than 40 countries and the trading outlook of major industries.


Featured Publication
International Debt Collections Handbook 2024 - Atradius Collections

Having drawn from the expertise of Atradius Collections' local offices, the International Debt Collection Handbook explains the different regulations and procedures for debt collections in Germany.

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Germany
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

Trading Briefs

Credit-to-Cash briefings, Export Practice papers and the quarterly updated Atradius Risk Map present information on areas that can affect trade.

Trading Briefs | Atradius

Risk Map

A world map showing the political risks associated with individual countries, published quarterly by the Atradius Economic Research Department.

Risk map, Country Risk, Country credit ratings | Atradius

Industry Performance Forecast

An at-a glance summary graphic of the business performance and credit risk situation of key industries in major markets.

Industry Performance Forecast Weather Icon

Country report

Reports on political stability, economic performance and outlook based on GDP growth, exports, investments and consumption indicators.

Country Reports and publications | Atradius

Economic Research

Economic developments and insolvency trends in developed and emerging markets, including insights from our Chief Economist.

Economic research | Atradius

Market Monitor

Reports on the performance of key industries in individual markets, focusing on credit risks, business development and financial conditions.

Market Monitor reports and publications | Atradius

Payment Practices Barometer

An annual review of corporate payment practices and behaviour as surveyed in more than 30 countries around the world.

Payment Practices Barometer | Atradius

Debt Collection Handbook

The annual International Debt Collections Handbook and Global Collections Review feature data on corporate debt collection behaviour.

Collections reports and publictions | Atradius