
Market Monitor Metals and Steel Canada 2019

Market Monitor

  • Canada
  • Metals,
  • Steel

26th November 2019

The sector benefits from the lift of US import tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminium, with profit margins of steel businesses expected to improve again.

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    Country Report Russia 2020

    Country report

    • Russia
    • General economic

    6th August 2020

    The economy is under strain due to low oil prices and bleak global growth prospects

    Country Report Poland 2020

    Country report

    • Poland
    • General economic

    6th August 2020

    The expected economic contraction is lower than Eurozone average

    Country Report India 2020

    Country report

    • India
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    6th August 2020

    The repercussions of coronavirus have hit an already weakening economy.

    Country Report Japan 2020

    Country report

    • Japan
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Electronics/ICT

    6th August 2020

    The repercussions of coronavirus have hit an already weakening economy.

    Country Report Indonesia 2020

    Country report

    • Indonesia
    • Consumer Durables,
    • Metals,

    6th August 2020

    A major downturn in domestic demand expected in 2020.

    Country Report Thailand 2020

    Country report

    • Thailand
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Electronics/ICT

    6th August 2020

    After a weak performance in 2019, the Thai economy is facing major challenges this year, as exports and tourism have severely declined

    USMCA: late payments rise as pandemic recession bites

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Canada,
    • Mexico,
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    8th July 2020

    The annual survey of B2B payments behaviour in the USMCA reveals a huge rise in the total value of long overdue invoices

    US: business environment strained by cash flow issues

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • USA
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    8th July 2020

    Pandemic-induced cash flow pressure on US businesses is reflected by widespread deterioration of B2B customer credit risk

    Canada: late payments growth knocks business confidence

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Canada
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    8th July 2020

    Additional time is needed to fully assess the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian economy

    Mexico: doubling of write-offs, deep economic stress?

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Mexico
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    8th July 2020

    It is difficult to pin down predictions over the ultimate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Mexican economic system

    Country Report Argentina 2020

    Country report

    • Argentina
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    2nd July 2020

    The economic contraction will deepen and last longer, while a debt restructuring settlement has not yet been reached

    Country Report Singapore 2020

    Country report

    • Singapore
    • Consumer Durables,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    30th June 2020

    The economic contraction will lead to a sharp increase in business insolvencies.

    Global Economic Outlook - June 2020

    Economic research

    • Algeria,
    • Angola,
    • General economic

    25th June 2020

    The rapid spread of Covid-19 across the globe is taking a heavy economic toll on both advanced and emerging economies. Lockdowns reduce consumption opportunities and create supply-side shocks.

    Country Report South Korea 2020

    Country report

    • South Korea
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    24th June 2020

    A recession in 2020 despite massive stimulus measures.

    India: bleak outlook for credit risk in B2B trade

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • India
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    10th June 2020

    Business performance and credit risk has deteriorated in all main industries in India, thus worsening the insolvency outlook this year.

    Taiwan: shifting trend in B2B trade credit use

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Taiwan
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    10th June 2020

    The impact of pandemic on its main export destinations is putting pressure on the external trade flows of Taiwan’s export reliant economy.

    UAE: clouds over the economic outlook

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    10th June 2020

    Like all economies around the world, the UAE is dealing with an unprecedented disruption of business activity and tourism

    Indonesia: economic outlook appears highly uncertain

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Indonesia
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    10th June 2020

    The global economic downturn triggered by the coronavirus pandemic has severely affected Indonesia’s economic performance.

    Hong Kong: stronger focus to credit management

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Hong Kong
    • Consumer Durables,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    10th June 2020

    Hong Kong businesses strengthened their credit risk management processes in order to better handle the risk of liquidity constraints due to the pandemic-induced economic crisis.

    China: greater role for B2B trade credit

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • China
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Consumer Durables,

    10th June 2020

    In the current challenging economic times, it is essential for Chinese businesses focus on strengthening their customer credit risk management and debt collection processes.